

SEAFARER Bikisuit - 2.2

réf. 22221-3006
Couleurs Black
  • Black
Tailles Guide des tailles


  • XS
  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • Flexibilité 0%
  • Chaleur 0%
  • Confort 0%

Infos & caractéristiques

Ne vous y trompez pas, le Bikisuit n’est pas un maillot de bain !

Il est frustrant d'avoir froid en été ; c'est donc pourquoi le Bikisuit utilise uniquement du néoprène de 2 mm de haute qualité et à coutures invisibles. Associé à la coupe MANERA, le Bikisuit vous garde au chaud pendant les journées froides d'été.


Éléments clés

1Front Zip
Une entrée frontzip rapide et aisée offrant un maximum de confort en navigation.
2X10D Jersey
Notre tissu X10D offre un maximum de stretch et de légèreté, mais aussi un ressentit doux et soyeux sur la peau. Sur les modèles MAGMA, le tissu X10D est recyclé.
3GBS Seams
Les différents panneaux de néoprène sont collés puis “Blind-stitched”. En plus d’être totalement étanches, ce type de couture offre un très bon niveau de flexibilité.


& slide

C’est frustrant d’avoir froid lorsqu’on navigue en été.



When the industry standard is to develop 2D patterns and try to fit it on a 3D body, we decided to break new ground and take the opposite direction. We use computer design to model good-fitted wetsuits in 3D, then we employ an innovative software that converts it into a precise 2D pattern for the factory.

It creates a natural, second-skin fit that makes the MANERA wetsuits stand out.



Warmth: No water entry, no air pocket.
Durability: The neoprene is only stretched when moving.
Comfort: No over tight areas, comfortable armpits/crotch.
Style: Folds will never be fashionable.


Sealing prints

Sealing prints make the ankles and wrists stiffer. It has a joint role that keeps the water away and maintains the arms and legs panels in place.

Strategic structure

Some areas are very sensitive to friction, tensions and tearing. All MANERA wetsuits have been designed with a demanding brief including:

. Avoiding seams in tensions area, to maximize flexibility and strength.
. Making sure the seams are stretched vertically and not sideways.
. Removing seams from friction areas, which avoids rash and increases stretch capacity.
. Reinforcing strategic parts and panels right where it needs to be.

Fusion cut

The different neoprene layers are fused on the tips of arms and legs to make it thinner and more aesthetic. It protects the inside neoprene foam (AIR FOAM) by covering it.

MANERA wetsuits use a new process to bring more durability, waterproofness and flexibility.


GBS Seams

The neoprene layers are glued together and then "blind-stitched" (the needle does not go through the neoprene layer completely). In addition to being 100% waterproof, this type of stitching offers a high level of flexibility.



The Triplex SEAFARER is designed to be reliable and efficient.

Re-flex skin / Protection
S-foam / Insulation
X10D Jersey / Warmth & flexibility

These three materials brought together provide everything you need in a good wetsuit: Warmth, flex, comfort.

Stay green
La meilleure façon de réduire notre impact
est de créer des produits durables

Vidéo Behind the product


The End of the World

Découvrez notre dernier film « The End of the World » suivant le périple de Maxime Chabloz à travers différents phares français.

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